If Phone Gets Into Water: Everything You Need to Know

If Phone Gets Into Water: Everything You Need to Know


Imagine you accidentally drop your beloved phone into a pool or a sink full of water. Panic sets in as you frantically try to retrieve it. Water damage is one of the most common and dreaded issues smartphone users face. But fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what to do if your phone gets into the water. We’ll provide expert tips, actionable advice, and proven methods to save your phone from water damage. From immediate steps to long-term prevention, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive right in!

If the Phone Gets Into the Water

In this section, we will delve into the critical steps you should take immediately after your phone comes into contact with water. Time is of the essence, and the right actions can make all the difference.

  1. Retrieve the Phone Quickly LSI Keywords: Saving a wet phone, Quick actions for water-damaged phones The moment your phone gets into the water, act swiftly. Retrieve it from the water source as soon as possible. The longer it stays submerged, the higher the risk of irreparable damage.
  2. Power Off the Phone LSI Keywords: Shutting down wet phone, Turning off water-damaged device Don’t try to check if your phone is still working. Immediately power it off to avoid short circuits. Press and hold the power button until it shuts down completely.
  3. Remove External Accessories LSI Keywords: Taking off phone accessories, Detaching external devices If your phone has a protective case, screen guard, or any other accessories, remove them. These can trap water and increase the likelihood of damage.
  4. Dry the Surface LSI Keywords: Wiping wet phone, Towel-drying device Gently wipe the surface of the phone with a soft, absorbent cloth or towel. Avoid aggressive movements that could push water further into the device.
  5. Do Not Use Heat or Blow Dryers LSI Keywords: Drying phone with heat, Blow drying water-damaged phones It might be tempting to use heat to dry your wet phone, but resist the urge! Heat can cause further damage to the internal components. Avoid using hairdryers or any other heat sources.
  6. Utilize a Vacuum Cleaner LSI Keywords: Using vacuum for wet phone, Vacuuming water-damaged phones If your phone has small openings like a charging port or speaker grills, you can gently use a vacuum cleaner on its lowest setting to remove water. Ensure not to apply too much suction.

Understanding Liquid Contact Indicators (LCIs)

Before we proceed further, let’s talk about Liquid Contact Indicators (LCIs) – essential components found in most smartphones that indicate water exposure.

  1. What are Liquid Contact Indicators (LCIs)? LSI Keywords: LCIs in phones, Water damage indicators LCIs are small stickers or markers placed inside smartphones. When they come into contact with water, they change color, signaling possible water damage.
  2. Locating LCIs in Your Phone LSI Keywords: Finding LCIs, Identifying water damage indicators LCIs are usually located inside the battery compartment, near the SIM card slot, or the headphone jack. Check your phone’s user manual to identify their exact location.
  3. Interpreting LCI Colors LSI Keywords: LCI color change, Decoding water damage indicators When exposed to water, LCIs change color. Most manufacturers use white or silver indicators that turn red or pink upon contact with water.

Rice: A Popular but Controversial Drying Method

  1. Using Rice to Dry a Wet Phone: Does it Work? Rice and water-damaged phones, Effectiveness of rice drying The rice-drying method is widely known, but its effectiveness is often debated. Let’s explore whether placing your phone in a bowl of rice can help.
  2. The Science Behind Rice Drying How rice absorbs water, Rice, and moisture removal Rice has natural water-absorbing properties. Placing your phone in a container of rice allows the grains to draw moisture from the device.
  3. Rice Drying: Myth or Reality? Rice as a drying solution, Debunking rice-drying myth While rice can absorb some moisture, it might not be the best solution. It may not reach the internal parts where water is trapped, leading to potential damage.

The Dangers of Water Damage

  1. The Immediate Impact of Water Damage Immediate effects of water damage, Initial signs of water damage Water damage can cause your phone to malfunction immediately. Common issues include unresponsive screens, speaker problems, and battery failure.
  2. Long-Term Effects of Water Damage Delayed effects of water damage, Gradual damage from water exposure Even if your phone appears to work fine initially, water damage can manifest over time, leading to corrosion and permanent damage.
  3. Voiding Warranty due to Water Damage Warranty void from water exposure, Impact on phone warranty Most smartphones come with warranties that cover manufacturing defects. However, water damage can void this warranty, leaving you liable for repair costs.

Taking Action: Repair or Replace?

  1. Should You Attempt DIY Repairs? LSI Keywords: DIY phone repair, Fixing water-damaged phones DIY repairs can be risky, especially if you lack technical expertise. Proceed with caution to avoid exacerbating the damage.
  2. Seeking Professional Repair Services LSI Keywords: Professional phone repair, Expert water-damage repair If you’re not confident in repairing your phone, seek the services of a professional technician who specializes in water-damaged devices.
  3. When It’s Time to Replace LSI Keywords: Replacing a water-damaged phone, Getting a new device In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to replace your water-damaged phone, especially if it’s beyond repair or the cost of fixing is high.

Preventing Water Damage

  1. Waterproof Phone Cases and Pouches LSI Keywords: Protective cases for water exposure, Waterproof phone accessories Invest in a reliable waterproof case or pouch to shield your phone from accidental water exposure.
  2. Avoiding High-Risk Environments LSI Keywords: Water-prone places, Keeping phones safe from water Be cautious when using your phone near water bodies, such as pools, lakes, or beaches.
  3. Using Water-Resistant Phones LSI Keywords: Water-resistant smartphones, Devices with water protection Consider purchasing a water-resistant phone that offers better protection against water damage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can I use a hairdryer to dry my wet phone? Answer: No, using a hairdryer can cause more damage to your phone’s internal components. It’s best to avoid using heat for drying.
  2. Is it safe to charge my water-damaged phone? Answer: No, do not attempt to charge your wet phone as it may lead to short circuits. First, ensure the device is completely dry before charging.
  3. How long should I leave my phone in rice for drying? Answer: While some suggest leaving it for 24-48 hours, rice may not be the most effective method. It’s better to use alternative drying techniques.
  4. Can water damage be repaired at home without professional help? Answer: It is possible, but risky. If you’re not experienced in phone repair, it’s best to consult a professional technician.
  5. Is water damage covered by a phone warranty? Answer: Water damage is typically not covered by warranty as it is considered user-induced damage.
  6. Can silica gel packets help in drying a wet phone? Answer: Yes, silica gel packets can absorb moisture. Place the phone and silica gel packets in an airtight container for better results.


Water damage to your phone can be distressing, but by taking swift and appropriate action, you can increase the chances of saving your device. Remember to power off the phone immediately, remove accessories, and gently dry the surface. While rice may be a common remedy, it might not be the most effective one. LCIs can provide crucial information about water exposure, and investing in water-resistant accessories or phones can offer added protection.

Prevention is key, so be cautious in water-prone environments and consider using waterproof cases. If your phone does suffer water damage, think twice before attempting DIY repairs, and opt for professional help if needed. In some cases, replacing the device may be the better option.

By following these guidelines, you can minimize the risks and ensure your phone stays in tip-top condition, even if it encounters water.

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